Article 5 Standards for Documents/Plats Submitted for Review and Approval


Subdivision Survey Requirements

Prior to final approval of a subdivision, the subdivision survey must contain all of the information specified in this Section, as well as any modifications or other information required by the City Planning Commission or City Council, as applicable.

  • An accurate depiction of the site and all structures on the site,
  • A current date (within 6 months prior to the date of submission). If more than a year elapses between tentative and final approval, an updated survey may be required prior to final approval, if the previously provided survey is no longer accurate.
  • Existing and proposed property lines, lines including the coordinate of the starting point, existing lines dotted and proposed lines in bold
  • Existing and proposed lot dimensions (including lot area), shown in decimal and inches and lines
  • Existing and proposed lot designations (New proposed lot designations should not include dashes and cannot duplicate any lot designation in the same square)
  • Square number or tract identification
  • Municipal district
  • Address (if applicable)
  • Bounding streets, existing servitudes and easements, existing improvements, existing sewer and water lines, house connections, and the location, size and type of sanitary sewers or other sewer disposal facilities, gas mains, hydrants, street lighting and other existing utilities
  • Complete details of any encroachments onto the public right-of-way. This includes but not limited to trees, steps, porches, overhangs, roofs, buildings, fences etc.
  • Title and Name of Subdivider (or Owner of Record as Requester of Survey)
  • Name and Stamp of the Licensed Surveyor
  • North Point
  • Scale
  • Date of Survey and Revision Date - where changes are made during the application process
  • In rural areas such as Lake Catherine, Lower Coast Algiers, some of the remote heavy industrial areas, and other large parcels (greater than 2 acres), final plats should include at least four (4) control points evenly distributed across the property or located at survey property corners. Control points shall be defined as a known geographic location (X,Y, coordinates) obtained in the field using either GPS or other location-determining equipment with sub-meter precision. The coordinate system utilized should be State Plane Louisiana South North Datum 1983 (NAD83) with U.S. survey feet as the unit of measure.
  • The boundary lines of the subdivision with length and bearing lines; section and squares, contours at intervals of 2 feet or less referred to the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83) for horizontal control and the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88) for vertical control, as determined by the National Geodetic Survey (NGS).
  • Any proposed streets, alleys, other public improvements, servitudes, easements, sewer and water lines, and house connections, and the location, size and type of any proposed sanitary sewers or other sewer disposal facilities, gas mains, hydrants, street lighting and other proposed utilities. Any included alley must be owned by the applicant subdivider with the applicant subdivider having the only legal use of the alley. 
  • The grades of proposed streets; and the width and type of proposed pavements and sidewalks
  • Notation of street dedication or dedication of other improvements or land
  • For major subdivisions: all natural features and landscape

The Executive Director of the City Planning Commission may modify the above survey information requirements upon a determination that there are special circumstances which make the required information unnecessary. Upon a written statement from the applicant, the Executive Director may consider waiving submittal requirements. When modifying survey requirements, the Executive Director must determine that sufficient information is provided for the proposal to be reviewed in accordance with these regulations. The cost of providing the above survey information shall not be a basis for the information not being provided.


Engineering Plans - Requirements


General Requirements

Engineering Plans shall show accurately and in sufficient detail for their construction and installation, the design of the subdivision improvements (streets, sewer, water, drainage, utilities, sidewalks, street lighting, landscaping, etc.).  The plans shall be made according to the specification and standards of the respective City Department reviewing the plans: Department of Public Works, and the Sewerage and Water Board (See Appendix 3 for additional reference). A landscape plan prepared by a licensed Louisiana landscape architect, indicating all planting material as to type, size and location, shall be submitted for review and approval as a part of the Engineering Plans.


Information to be Shown

The Engineering Plans shall contain the following information:

  1. Streets. Profiles showing existing ground surface and proposed street grades, including extensions for a reasonable distance beyond the limits of the proposed subdivision; typical cross section of the proposed grading, roadways and sidewalks; location, species and sizes of existing and proposed trees within the street right-of-way.  To meet the requirements of the Department of Public Works, the Plans must include the following sheets:
  • Title sheet with vicinity map showing streets connecting to the subdivision, permanent benchmark and project benchmark descriptions, index and name of subdivision. 
  • Summary sheet of construction quantities.
  • Typical section sheet.
  • Slab jointing plan sheet.
  • Cross-section sheets.
  • A site plan showing lot lines and areas, property lines, existing and proposed servitudes, utility locations, existing and proposed streets, sidewalks cuts into existing streets, curb radii, ADA ramps, street lighting, traffic signals, proposed topography and drainage patterns, subsurface drains and outfalls, fire hydrants, and any other significant improvements such as walls, fences, gates, emergency access, etc.  These items may be shown on several sheets, or included in the plan/profile drawings if desired.  For example, separate survey, geometric and site plan sheets may be provided.  The landscaping must be indicated on the drawings with planting approval from the Department of Parks & Parkways.
  • Plan and profile sheets that show water, drainage and sewer line locations and elevation profiles, utility locations, servitudes, power poles, meters, manholes and inverts, manhole numbers, valves, hydrants, catch basins and inverts, drop inlets, canals, outfall inverts, gutter line profiles and locations, bearings, points of curvature, tangents and intersection, vertical curves, curb radii, stations, baselines, prominent existing features, buildings, sheds, mail boxes, bus and streetcar shelters, railroad tracks, steps, driveways, underground tanks signs, traffic controls, detector loops, parking meters, etc.
  • Soil boring information as described in the City of New Orleans Department of Public Works Roadway Design Guide (10 ft. minimum depth).
  • Department of Public Works Standard Drawings or attachment by reference.
  • Sewerage & Water Board Standard Drawings and General Notes or attachment by reference.
  • Construction notes as needed to ensure compliance with City standards.
  • Detour phasing, hauling and signing sheets as required by the Department of Public Works Traffic Engineering Division.
  1. Utilities.  The location, sizes and invert elevations of existing and proposed sanitary sewerage and storm water drainage lines; stormwater management structures and facilities, the location and sizes of existing and proposed water lines; the location and specification of existing and proposed electrical, gas, telephone and cable distribution/communication systems; base flood elevation data indicated as a minimum first floor elevation required to meet flood control measures of the City Code.  To meet requirements of the Sewerage and Water Board, the developer shall present plans for the installation of sewer, water and drainage facilities for their review and approval.  These drawings will include, at a minimum:
  • A title sheet with vicinity map,
  • A master water plan,
  • A master sewer plan, and
  • A master drainage plan (the master drainage plan may be combined with the master paving plan). 
  • Plan/profile sheets must be provided for all streets within the subdivision and should include all utilities, including house connections.

Note:   No construction shall begin until after the Sewerage and Water Board approves final plans for all sewer, water and drainage facilities.

  1. Subsurface Condition Report.  Location and results of soil percolation tests if an individual sewage disposal system is proposed.

Requirements for Infrastructure Improvements

The improvements listed below shall be installed prior to approval of the Final Plan.


Assurance for Completion of Improvements

  1. Bond. In lieu of the completion of the improvements, the subdivider shall file a surety bond with the Commission to secure the actual installation of sewer, water, sub-surface drainage, paving of streets, and sidewalk intersections in a satisfactory manner, within a period not exceeding two years from the Preliminary Plan approval date.  Monuments (permanent markers) may be in a separate bond.  All such bonds shall be in an amount adequate to cover the cost of the improvements, as determined by the Commission, with surety and conditions satisfactory to the Commission.

Surety bonds for the installation of electrical and telephone distribution systems may be waived in those instances where franchised utility companies and the subdivider certify that satisfactory financial arrangements between the subdivider and the franchised utility companies have been made and that the said utilities will be installed in accordance with the requirements of this section.

  1. Maintenance of Common Areas or Facilities.  For a subdivision which contains sewers, sewage treatment plants, water supply systems, stormwater management systems, park areas, street trees or other physical facilities necessary or desirable for the welfare of the area, or that are for common use or benefit, which are not or cannot be satisfactorily maintained by any existing public agency, provision shall be made by trust agreement for the proper and continuous maintenance and supervision by the subdivider of such facilities.  The trust agreement shall become a part of the deed restrictions, acceptable to any agency having jurisdiction over the location and improvement of such facilities. (see Section 3.2.11.g and i).

Phasing of the Development and Improvements

The owner of the tract may prepare and secure tentative approval of a subdivision plat of the entire area and may install the above improvements only in a portion of such area, but the improvements must be installed or bond posted to cover such installations in any portion of the area for which a final plan is approved for recording.  The owner may only sell or lease, or offer for sale or lease, lots located in the improved portion of said property, provided, however, that streets, trunk sewers and sewage treatment plants and other utilities are either designed and built to serve the entire area or designed and built in such a manner that they can be expanded easily, or extended, as the case may be, to serve the entire area.


Permanent Markers

All intersections of the subdivision boundary property line and all intersections of street property lines within the subdivision shall be marked with permanent monuments.  Monuments of ferrous material must have at least a one-half inch diameter, and must be at least 18 inches in length (longer in soft or unstable soil). Concrete monuments shall be at least 4 inches in width by 24 inches in length, reinforced with an iron rod at least one-fourth inch in diameter.  All monuments shall contain a precise mark on top indicating the exact location of the corner. Should conditions prohibit the placing of monuments in line, off-set marking will be permitted, provided, however, that exact off-set courses and distances are shown on the subdivision plat.  Where a benchmark is not existing within reasonable distance, a permanent benchmark shall be accessibly placed, the elevation of which shall be based on the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83) for horizontal control and the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88) for vertical control, as determined by the National Geodetic Survey (NGS), and accurately noted on the subdivision plat.


Street Improvements

  1. All streets (private or public) shall be prepared in accordance with the City of New Orleans, Department of Public Works “Roadway Design Guide” latest revision, with construction work supervised by a registered Civil Engineer.  The type of surfacing shall be determined by the Department of Public Works and the Department’s approval shall be indicated by the stamp and signature on all such plans. All grading, surfacing and sidewalk intersection construction must be completed prior to final acceptance by the Department of Public Works. On all streets, offered or not-offered for dedication,  it shall be the duty of the subdivider to furnish to the Department of Public Works a certificate from a registered engineer certifying that such streets have been constructed under his/her supervision and in accordance with the specifications furnished by the Director of the Department of Public Works.
  2. Reservation of Land.  There shall be no reservation of land that is intended for future dedication to street or other public use except where the control over the reserved land is placed in the appropriate governing body under conditions approved by the Commission.

Water Lines

a. Public Water Supply System. If water house connections are not available to serve each lot in the proposed subdivision, the property owner is responsible for their installation. All water facilities located within dedicated public streets will become the property of the Sewerage & Water Board upon final inspection and final dedication of the street.

For any individual lot of record, the property owner shall bear all costs, inclusive of meter boxes, for initial connections extended from the sewer and water main to the property line. Any additional costs from the property line to on-site facilities including but not limited to expanded connections or new or additional meter boxes, shall be installed and maintained at the cost of the property owner.

Each owner may contract with a licensed plumber in the state of Louisiana for the installation of connections and any subsequent work, but all such work shall be subject to the regulation, inspection, and control of the board.

In the event that the Sewerage & Water Board performs physical work that causes a disruption of the water or sewer connection from the main to the property line, including but not limited to proactive repairs, moving or replacing a meter box, or replacing a lead water line, the Sewerage & Water Board shall bear the cost of repairing the disrupted connection.

For lots of record developed in compliance with the voluntary inclusionary zoning provisions of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as certified by the Director of the Department of Safety and Permits, the board shall bear the cost of the initial connections from the sewer and water main to the property line. All other provisions of this Section shall remain in effect.

b. Private Water Supply System. Pending availability of a public water supply, the subdivider shall construct a private water supply system in such a manner that an adequate supply of potable water will be available to every lot within the subdivision.  The source of water supply and the distribution system shall comply with the requirements of the Sanitary Code of the State of Louisiana for a public water supply system and is subject to approval by the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of Public Health, City Sanitarian.  It is understood, however, that there shall be no obligation, on the part of the Sewerage and Water Board, to incorporate the said private system of water supply, or any part thereof, into any public system of water supply that may be built in the future.



  1. Extension of Public Sanitary Sewer.  If the subdivision is so located that it can reasonably be served by the extension of an existing public sanitary sewer, the subdivider shall enter into an agreement with the Sewerage and Water Board for the extension of the said sewer so that sanitary sewer service shall be available for each lot within the subdivided area. All sewer facilities located within dedicated public streets will become the property of the Sewerage and Water Board upon final inspection and final dedication of the street.
  2. Individual Sewage System.  Where no sewers are accessible the subdivider shall secure a written permit from the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of Public Health, to install septic tanks or other mechanical means of sewage disposal for each lot or group of lots, provided that such septic tanks or similar mechanical means of sewage disposal must be approved by the Office of Public Health, City Sanitarian, and shall be installed in accordance with the Sanitary Code of the State of Louisiana, as amended.  For Major Subdivisions, an individual sewer system must be installed prior to final approval of the plat. On-site waste disposal systems are to be located to avoid impairment to them or contamination from them during flooding (see Appendix 4).


All drainage structures shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Department of Public Works, the Department of Safety and Permits, and Sewerage and Water Board, and no new subdivision shall increase the runoff to any adjacent property.

Drainage facilities of 36 inches in diameter or greater located within dedicated public streets will become the property of the Sewerage & Water Board upon final inspection and final dedication of the street. (see Appendix 3).  Drainage facilities of less than 36 inches in diameter will become property of the Department of Public Works.


Electrical, Telephone and Cable Communications Systems

  1. Underground wiring services from an underground distribution system located within a public or private street right-of-way shall be provided for all subdivision and/or resubdivision of land involving new streets.  Such systems shall provide underground wiring services to each lot.  All such underground wiring systems shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Mayor’s Office of Utilities, the Council Utility Regulatory Office, or successor entities.  This section shall apply to all cables, conduits or wires used as feeders, primaries, secondaries or similarly designated conductor systems forming part of an electrical distribution system; provided further that it shall not apply to wires or conductors, and associated apparatus and supporting structures, whose exclusive function is the transmission of electrical energy between generating stations, substations and transmission lines or other utility systems.
  2. Underground wiring services from an underground distribution system shall be provided for Street Lighting Systems which must be designed in accordance with the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, ANSI, AASHTO, and IEEE standards and installed in accordance with the requirements of the Department of Utilities under the conditions set forth above in Section 5.3.9.a.
  3. Subdivisions located in Heavy Industrial Zoning Districts will be exempted from the above requirements of underground electrical and telephone distribution systems, provided such subdivisions will be serviced by overhead utilities located within servitudes along rear or side lot lines.  Such overhead utility systems shall be mounted on poles without cross arms or extensions.
  4. Underground cable communication system service from an underground distribution system located within a street right-of-way shall be provided for all subdivision and/or resubdivision of land involving new streets.  Such systems shall be installed so as to provide the opportunity of underground cable communications to each lot.  All such underground cable systems shall be in accordance with the applicable regulations and subject to approval by the Department of Utilities.