New Orleans Subdivision Regulations

Regulations to guide the future growth and development of the City in accordance with the Master Plan

Printed: 1/14/2025 5:09:25 PM

3.2.12 Reconsideration

Except as otherwise precluded by temporal deadlines, a vote or a question may be reconsidered at any time during the same meeting or at the first or second regular or special meeting held thereafter if:

a. Circumstances and conditions have substantially changed since its original consideration, or

b. Inaccurate data was contained in the report on the matter, or

c. Additional relevant information has been presented since its original consideration, or

d. Any other valid reason.

The Planning Commission shall by official action determine whether or not the matter is eligible for reconsideration in accordance with the above. A motion to reconsider shall be made by a Commissioner who voted with the prevailing side.

If the request for reconsideration is not made by the above deadlines, the Applicant may resubmit the subdivision request, starting the process over again, following steps contained in Section 3.2. of these regulations.