New Orleans Subdivision Regulations
Regulations to guide the future growth and development of the City in accordance with the Master Plan
Printed: 2/12/2025 2:36:50 PM
4.3.2 Lot Shape
- A lot shall be rectangular or wedge shaped or otherwise consistent with existing lot pattern. Lots that deviate from this norm and may create situations where development is inconsistent with the existing surrounding development may require consideration by the City Planning Commission.
- Side lot lines of a lot shall run at right angles to the street on which it faces as far as is practicable, or on curved streets, the side lot lines shall be radial to the curve unless a variation to this rule will give a better street and lot plan.
- Lots may be irregular in shape (i.e., not rectangular or wedge shaped) in the following instances:
i. In the Central Business Districts, there are no restrictions on lot shapes.
ii. In non-Suburban zoning districts (except the Central Business Districts), a subdivision proposal that creates an irregular lot may be administratively approved when both of the following conditions are met:
a. The lot is approximately L-shaped or T-shaped
b. The “dogleg” or similar extension from the rectangular portion of the lot has an area that is 40% or less of the area of the rectangular portion.
When either of the above conditions is not met, the subdivision shall be considered by the Commission. It shall be evaluated against the following approval standards. Applications meeting all four standards may be approved.
1. There are special circumstances or conditions affecting the property. Strict compliance would deprive the applicant of reasonable use of the land.
2. The adjustment is necessary for the preservation/ enjoyment of a substantial property right.
3. Approval will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the other property in the vicinity.
4. That the adjustment will not unreasonably burden city services, including streets.
iii. In Suburban zoning districts), a subdivision proposal that creates an irregular lot may be administratively approved when both of the following conditions are met:
a. The lot is approximately L-shaped or T-shaped.
b. The “dogleg” or similar extension from the rectangular portion of the lot has an area that is 15% or less of the area of the rectangular portion.
When either of the above conditions is not met, the subdivision shall be considered by the Commission. It shall be evaluated against the following approval standards. Applications meeting all four standards may be approved.
1. There are special circumstances or conditions affecting the property. Strict compliance would deprive the applicant of reasonable use of the land.
2. The adjustment is necessary for the preservation/ enjoyment of a substantial property right.
3. Approval will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the other property in the vicinity.
4. That the adjustment will not unreasonably burden city services, including streets.
Approval Authority
Approval Standards
Development Plan requirement
Non-Suburban Districts (Except CBD)
• Historic Core
• Historic Urban
• Commercial Center/ Institutional Campus
• Centers for Industry
• Open Space
• Rural Dev
40% max
L- and T- shapes only
None; by-right
Not required
>40%, and/or
Irregular shapes aside from L- and T- shapes
1.There are special circumstances or conditions affecting the property. Strict compliance would deprive the applicant of reasonable use of the land.
2.The adjustment is necessary for the preservation/ enjoyment of a substantial property right.
3. Approval will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the other property in the vicinity.
4. That the adjustment will not unreasonably burden city services, including streets.
May be required for irregular lot shapes
Central Business Districts
No limit
No limit
None; by-right
Not required
Suburban Districts
15% max
L- and T- shapes only
None; by-right
Not required
>15%, and/or
Irregular shapes aside from L- and T- shapes
1.There are special circumstances or conditions affecting the property. Strict compliance would deprive the applicant of reasonable use of the land.
2.The adjustment is necessary for the preservation/ enjoyment of a substantial property right.
3. Approval will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the other property in the vicinity.
4. That the adjustment will not unreasonably burden city services, including streets.
May be required for irregular lot shapes
Figure 5. Graphic Illustrating the use of the 15% or 40% rule

Creation of L-shapes lots require commission-level review if the dogleg portion of the new lot (shown in light gray) is more than 15% or 40% of the area of the original lot (shown in dark gray), in accordance with the table above.