New Orleans Subdivision Regulations

Regulations to guide the future growth and development of the City in accordance with the Master Plan

Printed: 2/12/2025 2:21:11 PM

4.4 Landscape, Natural Features and Drainage

4.4.1 Preservation of Natural Features and Amenities for Major Subdivision   

Existing features that would preserve and add economic, ecological and/or cultural value to the development site or to the surrounding area, such as trees, watercourses, wetlands, historic spots, and similar irreplaceable assets, shall be retained in the design of the subdivision.  For Major Subdivisions requiring submittal of the Master Plan and/or Development Plan/Site Plan, an assessment of economic, ecological and/or cultural values of natural features/historic spots shall be made as a part of the Tentative Plan and Tentative Review process.  No trees shall be removed from the proposed subdivision site nor any change of grade of the land affected until approval of the Tentative Plan has been granted.  All trees on the plan required to be retained shall be preserved, and where required, shall be welled and protected against change of grade.  

4.4.2 Special Flood Hazard Areas   

In all areas of special flood hazard where base flood elevation data are not available, the applicant shall provide a hydrologic and hydraulic engineering analysis that generates base flood elevations and floodway boundaries and future conditions flood elevations for all subdivision proposals, and other proposed developments greater than five (5) acres).  These studies shall be submitted to FEMA as a request for map revision and the record plan and all permitting documents shall reference the revised floodplain and base flood elevations accepted by FEMA and the City.

4.4.3 Landscaping Within the Newly Constructed Street Right-of-Way   

The subdivider shall be required to install permanent landscaping within the newly constructed street right-of-way.  This requirement shall apply for both private streets and streets offered for dedication.  A landscape plan prepared by a licensed Louisiana landscape architect shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Commission with concurrence of the Department of Parks and Parkways and the Department of Public Works as a part of the Engineering Plan Approval process (Section 3.2.11).  General standards for landscaping are as follows:

  1. Parkway trees shall be planted at the equivalent of one (1) tree for every forty (40) linear feet for shade trees and every twenty-five (25) linear feet for ornamental trees.  Where appropriate, parkway trees may be clustered or spaced differently as determined appropriate or necessary by the Department of Parks and Parkways.  Shade trees are defined as having a height of over forty (40) feet at maturity; ornamental trees are defined as having a height of less than forty (40) feet at maturity.
  2. A variety of compatible species should be included in the planting plan for a specific site or development. The selecting of tree species shall be reviewed and approved by the Department of Parks and Parkways with particular regard for site-appropriate species.
  3. Tree root guards are required at the edge of any roadway curb, driveway curb or paced sidewalk extending a minimum of two (2) feet below the surface (vertically downward) and for a horizontal distance of six (6) feet in either direction, for small root trees and twelve (12) feet on either direction for trees expected to attain a height of more than twenty-five (25) feet.  Root guard materials must be approved by the Departments of Public Works and Parks and Parkways prior to installation.

4.4.4 Stream and Drainage Improvements and Easements   

  1. Stream Improvements and Easement Along Streams.  No individual, partnership or corporation shall deepen, widen, fill, reroute or change the location of any existing ditch, stream, drain or drainage canal without first obtaining permission from the Sewerage and Water Board, the City of New Orleans Floodplain Manager, or any other agency having jurisdiction thereover.  Plans for such deepening, widening, filling, rerouting or changing the location of any existing ditch, stream, drain or drainage canal shall comply with the specifications of Sewerage and Water Board or any other agency having jurisdiction thereover.
  2. Sewer, Water, Drainage Servitudes.  Any proposed utility servitude must be specifically approved as to location and size by the appropriate department or agency (i.e., the Sewerage and Water Board, the Department of Public Works, Entergy, etc.)  Whenever any existing canal or important surface drainage course is located in an area that is being subdivided, the subdivider shall dedicate a servitude of not less than 50 feet in width along either side of such canal or important surface drainage course.
  3. Fences adjacent to open drainage canals, open ditches, etc. Whenever fences are required adjacent to open drainage canals, ditches, or borrow pits, as determined by the Commission or the Sewerage and Water Board, the subdivider must construct a fence according to the following standards: