New Orleans Subdivision Regulations

Regulations to guide the future growth and development of the City in accordance with the Master Plan

Printed: 2/12/2025 3:58:54 PM

4.4.4 Stream and Drainage Improvements and Easements

  1. Stream Improvements and Easement Along Streams.  No individual, partnership or corporation shall deepen, widen, fill, reroute or change the location of any existing ditch, stream, drain or drainage canal without first obtaining permission from the Sewerage and Water Board, the City of New Orleans Floodplain Manager, or any other agency having jurisdiction thereover.  Plans for such deepening, widening, filling, rerouting or changing the location of any existing ditch, stream, drain or drainage canal shall comply with the specifications of Sewerage and Water Board or any other agency having jurisdiction thereover.
  2. Sewer, Water, Drainage Servitudes.  Any proposed utility servitude must be specifically approved as to location and size by the appropriate department or agency (i.e., the Sewerage and Water Board, the Department of Public Works, Entergy, etc.)  Whenever any existing canal or important surface drainage course is located in an area that is being subdivided, the subdivider shall dedicate a servitude of not less than 50 feet in width along either side of such canal or important surface drainage course.
  3. Fences adjacent to open drainage canals, open ditches, etc. Whenever fences are required adjacent to open drainage canals, ditches, or borrow pits, as determined by the Commission or the Sewerage and Water Board, the subdivider must construct a fence according to the following standards: