New Orleans Subdivision Regulations
Regulations to guide the future growth and development of the City in accordance with the Master Plan
Printed: 1/14/2025 4:58:00 PM
5.1 Subdivision Survey Requirements
Prior to final approval of a subdivision, the subdivision survey must contain all of the information specified in this Section, as well as any modifications or other information required by the City Planning Commission or City Council, as applicable.
- An accurate depiction of the site and all structures on the site,
- A current date (within 6 months prior to the date of submission). If more than a year elapses between tentative and final approval, an updated survey may be required prior to final approval, if the previously provided survey is no longer accurate.
- Existing and proposed property lines, lines including the coordinate of the starting point, existing lines dotted and proposed lines in bold
- Existing and proposed lot dimensions (including lot area), shown in decimal and inches and lines
- Existing and proposed lot designations (New proposed lot designations should not include dashes and cannot duplicate any lot designation in the same square)
- Square number or tract identification
- Municipal district
- Address (if applicable)
- Bounding streets, existing servitudes and easements, existing improvements, existing sewer and water lines, house connections, and the location, size and type of sanitary sewers or other sewer disposal facilities, gas mains, hydrants, street lighting and other existing utilities
- Complete details of any encroachments onto the public right-of-way. This includes but not limited to trees, steps, porches, overhangs, roofs, buildings, fences etc.
- Title and Name of Subdivider (or Owner of Record as Requester of Survey)
- Name and Stamp of the Licensed Surveyor
- North Point
- Scale
- Date of Survey and Revision Date - where changes are made during the application process
- In rural areas such as Lake Catherine, Lower Coast Algiers, some of the remote heavy industrial areas, and other large parcels (greater than 2 acres), final plats should include at least four (4) control points evenly distributed across the property or located at survey property corners. Control points shall be defined as a known geographic location (X,Y, coordinates) obtained in the field using either GPS or other location-determining equipment with sub-meter precision. The coordinate system utilized should be State Plane Louisiana South North Datum 1983 (NAD83) with U.S. survey feet as the unit of measure.
- The boundary lines of the subdivision with length and bearing lines; section and squares, contours at intervals of 2 feet or less referred to the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83) for horizontal control and the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88) for vertical control, as determined by the National Geodetic Survey (NGS).
- Any proposed streets, alleys, other public improvements, servitudes, easements, sewer and water lines, and house connections, and the location, size and type of any proposed sanitary sewers or other sewer disposal facilities, gas mains, hydrants, street lighting and other proposed utilities. Any included alley must be owned by the applicant subdivider with the applicant subdivider having the only legal use of the alley.
- The grades of proposed streets; and the width and type of proposed pavements and sidewalks
- Notation of street dedication or dedication of other improvements or land
- For major subdivisions: all natural features and landscape
The Executive Director of the City Planning Commission may modify the above survey information requirements upon a determination that there are special circumstances which make the required information unnecessary. Upon a written statement from the applicant, the Executive Director may consider waiving submittal requirements. When modifying survey requirements, the Executive Director must determine that sufficient information is provided for the proposal to be reviewed in accordance with these regulations. The cost of providing the above survey information shall not be a basis for the information not being provided.