New Orleans Subdivision Regulations
Regulations to guide the future growth and development of the City in accordance with the Master Plan
Printed: 1/14/2025 4:37:30 PM
5.2.2 Information to be Shown
The Engineering Plans shall contain the following information:
- Streets. Profiles showing existing ground surface and proposed street grades, including extensions for a reasonable distance beyond the limits of the proposed subdivision; typical cross section of the proposed grading, roadways and sidewalks; location, species and sizes of existing and proposed trees within the street right-of-way. To meet the requirements of the Department of Public Works, the Plans must include the following sheets:
- Title sheet with vicinity map showing streets connecting to the subdivision, permanent benchmark and project benchmark descriptions, index and name of subdivision.
- Summary sheet of construction quantities.
- Typical section sheet.
- Slab jointing plan sheet.
- Cross-section sheets.
- A site plan showing lot lines and areas, property lines, existing and proposed servitudes, utility locations, existing and proposed streets, sidewalks cuts into existing streets, curb radii, ADA ramps, street lighting, traffic signals, proposed topography and drainage patterns, subsurface drains and outfalls, fire hydrants, and any other significant improvements such as walls, fences, gates, emergency access, etc. These items may be shown on several sheets, or included in the plan/profile drawings if desired. For example, separate survey, geometric and site plan sheets may be provided. The landscaping must be indicated on the drawings with planting approval from the Department of Parks & Parkways.
- Plan and profile sheets that show water, drainage and sewer line locations and elevation profiles, utility locations, servitudes, power poles, meters, manholes and inverts, manhole numbers, valves, hydrants, catch basins and inverts, drop inlets, canals, outfall inverts, gutter line profiles and locations, bearings, points of curvature, tangents and intersection, vertical curves, curb radii, stations, baselines, prominent existing features, buildings, sheds, mail boxes, bus and streetcar shelters, railroad tracks, steps, driveways, underground tanks signs, traffic controls, detector loops, parking meters, etc.
- Soil boring information as described in the City of New Orleans Department of Public Works Roadway Design Guide (10 ft. minimum depth).
- Department of Public Works Standard Drawings or attachment by reference.
- Sewerage & Water Board Standard Drawings and General Notes or attachment by reference.
- Construction notes as needed to ensure compliance with City standards.
- Detour phasing, hauling and signing sheets as required by the Department of Public Works Traffic Engineering Division.
- Utilities. The location, sizes and invert elevations of existing and proposed sanitary sewerage and storm water drainage lines; stormwater management structures and facilities, the location and sizes of existing and proposed water lines; the location and specification of existing and proposed electrical, gas, telephone and cable distribution/communication systems; base flood elevation data indicated as a minimum first floor elevation required to meet flood control measures of the City Code. To meet requirements of the Sewerage and Water Board, the developer shall present plans for the installation of sewer, water and drainage facilities for their review and approval. These drawings will include, at a minimum:
- A title sheet with vicinity map,
- A master water plan,
- A master sewer plan, and
- A master drainage plan (the master drainage plan may be combined with the master paving plan).
- Plan/profile sheets must be provided for all streets within the subdivision and should include all utilities, including house connections.
Note: No construction shall begin until after the Sewerage and Water Board approves final plans for all sewer, water and drainage facilities.
- Subsurface Condition Report. Location and results of soil percolation tests if an individual sewage disposal system is proposed.